Personal Color Analysis
“The effect of color on human beings and their lives is a vital, dynamic force which cannot be ignored” Suzanne Caygill
Each of us has our own intimate relationship with colors. Our very own specific harmony of colors that bring out our most inherent beauty. These unique colors play a distinct role in supporting us in every area of our lives. If we look at nature, we can see how this is so beautifully orchestrated with each living organism being in the perfect expression of itself. Magnificently cloaked in the colors that make them extraordinary, while protecting them, attracting their mates and helping them thrive in their environment.
When this is discovered, your colors bring you back into harmony with yourself, with your inner dimensions and with your environment. Vibrating your radiance from the inside out, Attuning you to your perfectly designed expression.
What you will receive with your color analysis?
- A complete Color Analysis
- A custom color paddle with your specific colors that you can use while shopping
- You will learn about and understand what clothing pieces work for your body type
- You will walk away feeling more empowered know what colors and styles bring out your most authentic beauty, what helps communicate your radiance.
- You will lean tips of how to put pieces together from your wardrobe
- You will learn a whole new way of seeing yourself and expressing yourself in the world